Committing to Higher Education

My experience so far in ARC has been awesome. ARC has taught me to appreciate the people I have around and to trust in them. The significant moment that impacted me most, was when I participated in the ropes course activity at Calvin Crest. At the beginning of the course, I felt unsure of doing […]

Counting Down

Today is the 22nd day out of the 40 day summer course. The days seem to go by faster everyday. We are about to start our third expedition, which allows us to be more independent on the trip while the instructors stay behind us, only answering questions. Moreover, this expedition also includes a 24 hour […]

Overcoming A Fear or Two

“I am eighty-seven feet in the air, with nothing more to support me other than a rope, blind trust in someone that I’ve only known for two weeks, and a harness that squeezes just a little too tight to protect me from certain death. The rock that I am scaling has no surface that I […]

My Family

“Family is where life begins, and love never ends.” The first thing that comes to mind when I think of a family are the eleven individuals that I’ve got the privilege to know over these past eighteen days here in ARC. Together we have cried, share some laughs and overcame many hardships.  Together we’ve hiked […]

United in Safety

“The ARC group from Yosemite held and still holds that power of unity to keep each other safe no matter the circumstances. For instance, during our first expedition on day two, we were all having difficulty finding the correct trail to get on  the steep rocky mountain. For many of us, we believed that we […]


“As I was walking up to the cliff, I thought that it was going to be a piece of cake. However, as I came closer to the cliff, I began to second guess myself because I did not realized how big it was. “You really want me to climb this thing?” I said out loud. […]