“Family is where life begins, and love never ends.”

The first thing that comes to mind when I think of a family are the eleven individuals that I’ve got the privilege to know over these past eighteen days here in ARC. Together we have cried, share some laughs and overcame many hardships.  Together we’ve hiked a total of 36 miles during our first expedition, where we struggled to not fall down the steep rocky trails and casually strolled down the gentle and flat trails. We’ve hiked up to Eagle Peak, Yosemite Falls, Mount Watkins, and even witnessed the beautiful  Half Dome up close and personal. Many times throughout the expedition, I found myself at the back of the pack because I was always the slowest one. At times like this, these eleven individuals would encourage me and push me to reach my full potential. Moreover, when I doubt myself, they would constantly prove to me that I am worthy. Today I was given the honor to read my poem at the Open house for youth groups. As I stood on the podium and looked at my peers, I saw bright new souls. Each pair of eyes told a different story and held a piece of an unforgettable memory that latched on to their hearts.  As my voice echoed off the walls of the ancient barn, I realize they too saw in my eyes an unforgettable memory that had latched onto my heart. The memory of loving and caring for each other and holding that as a prized possession in my heart. I guess when you spend an incredibly crazy amount of time with eleven strangers you learn to accept and adapt. Through the core values that ARC had instilled in us such as Compassion,Integrity,Determination, I’ve learned to accept and love these individuals for who they are and to always be brave. With Gustavo, Eriel, Jesus, Lilly, Prisila, Sandesh, Jose, Wei Ping, Gerzayr, Vanna and Rosenda who are now my family, I’ve learned to adapt to situations and constantly feel surrounded with love, bravery, compassion, integrity and determination.

-Linda Yang