Today is the 22nd day out of the 40 day summer course. The days seem to go by faster everyday. We are about to start our third expedition, which allows us to be more independent on the trip while the instructors stay behind us, only answering questions. Moreover, this expedition also includes a 24 hour solo, where we are placed in a pre-selected spot in the wilderness. Other than that, as I sit here observing every single person in the multipurpose room, I realized something. I realized that we have all come so close in the last 22 days and whether my co-students realize this or not, we all have bonded incredibly well to the point where I know that it will be difficult for us to leave each other. The countdown to day 40 is not long from now, so for the mean time, we will have to keep making plans to get together after graduation.

-Prisila Gonzalez
