Adventure Risk Challenge’s mission is to empower underserved youth through transformational literacy, leadership, and outdoor experiences.
Our vision is that all youth become stewards of their own future, their communities, and the environment.

ARC has been a life changing experience for me! I would encourage my future generations to join ARC and discover the amazing people they are, just like I have discovered who I really am.
I have learned that I am a strong person and a good writer. This experience has changed me to be a more open-minded person.
I have grown to be more confident, responsible and mature. I have learned to demonstrate great leadership, compassion, determination and integrity.
I learned that I can go to college.
Through this experience at ARC, I learned to be a leader. I learned to trust and believe in myself and my abilities. Now I can do anything I put my mind to.
Student Writing, Publications, and Press
Year in Review
Student Writing
Program Reports
Print and Web
Article Featuring ARC Alum: Local high school senior Isaac Pacheco Martinez accepted to Harvard and Yale
Sierra Sun, May 7, 2024
PDF: The Community Collaborative Honors Three Outstanding Social Service Professionals in Tahoe Truckee
Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation, December 8, 2023
Going Outside Can Mean Different Things to Different People: Profile of Four ARC Graduates
Teen Vogue, August 18, 2022
Tahoe Fund Fostering the Next Generation of Leaders
Tahoe In Depth, Summer 2022
Member Highlight – Kaela Frank
Donner Party Mountain Runners Newsletter, June 15, 2022
Meet Your Teacher: Yosemite
Yosemite Conservancy Magazine, Autumn/Winter 2021
Aspiring Poets Learn About the Outdoors
Mariposa Gazette, August 12, 2021
ARC Program Receives High Honor, Continues to Help Local Students
Mariposa Gazette, December 31, 2020
ARC Students Find Their Voices in Yosemite
Yosemite Conservancy Magazine, Autumn/Winter 2020
Sarah Ottley: Profile of ARC’s Dynamic Director
The Tahoe Weekly, February 21, 2017
Moving Mountains: Outdoor Education Teaches Strength to Valley Teens
The Fresno Bee, August 4, 2016 Youtube video
Empowering Literacy Through Nature – Katie Zanto
Tahoe Weekly, September 16, 2015
President Napolitano attends ARC poetry reading in Yosemite
UC Natural Reserve System Newsletter, August 6, 2013
Students Learn About Life, Nature In Rigorous Program
Merced Sun-Star, August 10, 2011
Con apoyo, los jóvenes pueden tener éxito
Vida En El Valle, December 6, 2011
Educational Program Knocks Down Barriers Students Face
Merced Sun-star, December 3, 2011
ARC Interns Participate in Youth Conference
Sagehen News, October 7, 2008
Bridge To Self-Reliance: High School Students Participate in Leadership and Literacy Summer Program.
Santa Barbara News-Press, July 20, 2007
Grant Helps Expand UC Natural Reserve Outreach
UC Berkeley News, August 2, 2006
Students Trek Beyond Classrooms and Desks
Sierra Sun, June 2, 2006
Literacy Program Combines Books with Backpacking
North Lake Tahoe Bonanza, May 29, 2005
Television, Video, and Radio
Unique Outdoor Learning Course for High School Students
ABC10 Sacramento, 2021
ARC Program Founder Wins LL Bean Contest
L.L. Bean, 2011
Youth Voices Radio Project
KVMR (NPR), February 27, 2008
ARC Program Helps Teenagers Thrive
KGO TV (ABC) San Francisco, 2007
Sagehen’s Adventure Risk Challenge Summer Program
NPR, April 19, 2006
Program Research
“Out in the Open and Free”: Nature-based Settings and Literacy Learning at Adventure-Risk-Challenge (pdf)
Merrilyne Lundahl, Crosspol, Vol 3, Issue 1, pgs. 51 – 65
Place, Literacy Learning, and Civic Engagement (pdf)
A Case Study of Adventure Risk Challenge
Breaking Barriers Project (pdf)
Understanding Motivations and Barriers to Youth Participation in the Outdoors
Bridging the Gap: The Union of Personal and Academic Growth (pdf)
ARC: Delivering literacy and personal growth for English Language Learners through outdoor education. Christine Hooper, Master’s Thesis, 59 pp.
Transforming Thought into Words: Using Photography and Dialogue to Help Immigrant Students Write with Voice (pdf)
Shelley Gorin, Master’s Thesis. 72 pp.