Now back in base camp after three amazing days of kayaking, rock climbing and repelling Daida Rivas feels like she has grown as a person.  She states, “In these three days I gained more self-confidence than ever before. I learn to believe in myself and learn to achieve my goals. While kayaking, I found myself enjoying the company of all my peers. We danced and shared a special moment. Even though the weather wasn’t so great and we kayak for a shorter time than what we were expected to. We still had lots of fun. In the other hand the next day when we had to rock climb. We laugh and cry throughout the day, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t have fun. Anyways repelling down that peak was really scary. I learn to see the world in different ways. Now I feel like any challenges that I may face will became easier to conquer. I’m no longer afraid of opening up. The day before yesterday we had to share something that we wanted to get off our chest. I was scared, my heart was beating faster, my hands were sweating and I felt butterflies in my stomach. I did not know what people would think of me after sharing. However I shared anyways and let me tell you something it feels great.” Wow! It is amazing to hear what rock climbing can teach you in a few days.