“During our first expedition, we hiked quite a lot of mountains that I have never heard of before. It was such a challenge for me because I have never physically challenged myself that badly. As I kept pushing my legs to climb up the steep hill up to Eagle peak with a fifty pound pack on my back, I thought to myself “Oh man, do people back at home not realize how difficult this is?”  When I reached the top of Eagle peak, took off my pack and looked down to Yosemite Valley, I realized that the philosopher Robert Frost was correct about something; life goes on. By that, what I mean is, when I reached the top of the mountain and unbuckled the pack off my back, it felt like I unbuckled all the stress and burdens off of me. This summer course allowed me to gain a new perspective in life which allowed me to open up to things I have never tried to before.

For starters, it usually takes years for people to connect with another personally because there are certain levels of trusts that need to be earned. However, Adventure Risk Challenge has totally changed my mindset of that.  These past ten days in Adventure Risk Challenge has given me an opportunity to create beautiful close relationships with people from all kinds of backgrounds in just a short amount of days through vulnerability. Honestly, never in my life would I have ever thought that twelve strangers can create such a close knit bond with one another in just a short amount of days in the wilderness. Adventure Risk Challenge has taught me so much about life, vulnerability and myself in just a few short amount of days out here in the wilderness. I can not wait until graduation comes when I get to share all these great moments with my family. ”

– Prisila Gonzalez